To do so, please follow the two below easy steps:
Step1: Sign-Up and Pay Here first -
then, return and use your "Log-In" name and password for:
Step 2: Use This Link to Log-In and Take the Course.
Sponsored by: N.T.S.I.
(National Traffic Safety Institute)
Upon successful completion, your course completion certificate will be delivered to your home in the mail.
1. Fill out the above form.
2. Verify a class date from the instructor by calling or emailing us.
3. Pre-pay the class fee by using the below payment button.
4. Add the class date and time on your calendar.
5. Add a reminder on your phone about the class date and time.
- Must have a valid driver's license.
- Must attend and participate in the whole 6-hour seminar time.
- Arrive to class 15-20 minutes early to allow check-in, registration completion, and ID.
- Must abide by all DMV class guidelines and rules that are described during the seminar in order to receive the completion certificate.
- You may bring your own water bottle and/or lunch / snacks.
- Upon successful completion, your course completion certificate will be delivered to your home in the mail.